Choosing a school for your child can feel like a daunting task. Factors such as where you live, whether you work, your family and support networks, your religious preferences and any additional needs your child may have, all play a part in one of the most important decisions you will make for your child to date.
At Avening Primary School, we pride ourselves on being inclusive; we warmly welcome children from all backgrounds and abilities, and work closely with parents as partners in their child's education. As one Year 6 child described the school, 'it is warm and welcoming and feels like home'.
Everyone at our school is guided by a strong set of shared values which ensure that the children in our care achieve and thrive. Ofsted, February 2020, recognised this strength: 'Pupils wear the school’s values, known as ‘REACH’ (respect, engage, aspire, collaborate and hope), proudly on their jumpers. They know what these mean and live by them.'
Our Open mornings take place on Friday 4 October, 2024, and Wednesday 6 November, 2024, 9:15am - 12 noon. You will be given a tour of the school by our School Council and Year 6 House Captains and get to meet the members of staff. You do not need to book for this.
Until then, you may like to watch our Virtual Open Day which will introduce you to our school, staff and pupils.
Click here to watch our Virtual Open Day
If you would further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school by telephone (01453 833191) or email (
Our Headteacher, Mrs Rushton, would be happy to discuss any questions you might have about the admissions process and education at Avening Primary School.
The Admissions Process for Reception 2025
Gloucestershire County Council coordinate new intake admissions. Details of the process can be found here
The council will send out letters explaining how to apply of a school place from November 2024. If you are a Gloucestershire resident and you still have not received a letter by December 2024 please email them at
To view the Gloucestershire County Council Admission Policy for our school please click here
Please click on the link to the Determined Admission Criteria and Scheme for the required year, and our Admission Policy is shown under GCC Admission Arrangements.
In-year Admissions
If you are thinking about moving your child from another school to Avening, please contact the school office on 01453 833191 or via We will be very happy to discuss the places we have available and guide you through the application process.
When a request for a place at a school is refused parents have a right of appeal via the Local Authority. Information on appeals can be found here:
Further information on admissions can be found on the Local Authority website: